Baking Sugar Cookies

I wanted to try everything that can be baked. I've done baked potatoes, lasagnas, cakes, chocolate chip cookies, some breads and some baked chicken.

Sugar cookies were a bit challenging because of some issues.
1. I have never tried it.
2. Nobody do decorated cookies in my town (as far as I know).
3. No cutters.

So I need to address these. I scoured every local store that may carry some cookie cutters.  Yeah I found one. Though they only carry round cookie cutters. I was tempted to try to use the ones where they cook sunny-side-up eggs with. They have a christmas tree shape! But I did not buy it. So I ordered online. 100 pieces for P650. A good buy though made in plastic.
I watched from youtube and I have a copy of Peggy Porschen books so I'm good to go. So here they are.

These were the first sugar cookies I made. Some have cracks, others balooned, some burnt.

Ta- dah! then we decorated it for christmas season.

These I made with the different cookie cutters I purchased.

You get the effect with the toothpick technique. Just pipe the royal icing to flood the base of the cookie, then pipe with another color to the sides of the butterfly. With the toothpick, or cocktail sticks as some call them, make a streak inward to create the effect.

Wrapped and tied with a ribbon, these were ready to be sold. When there are days without cake orders, we made christmas cookies and sold them at school and some sari-sari stores. I sold them a wee bit of a price to cover just the cost because nobody would buy a P20.00 cookie at school.

 Joining in the Angry Birds craze.
Me and my sister did a lot of angry birds cookies but forgot to take a pic. Blame it to mindlessness..HAHA

See, they're ready to be packaged.
