With me is the master of Boiled Icing! His name is Mr. Ronnie Coronado Solpico of Nagcarlan, Laguna.
Last June 21, 2014 I travelled all the way to Nagcarlan, Laguna. I spent about 9 hours on the bus just to get to the place. I arrived at early dawn and all i thought was I would be a disturbance if I knock at his house at 4:00 in the morning. But I have nowhere to go or any shop I could spend the time away while waiting for the sun to shine. So I texted him. I was so ashamed to disturb him because I thought he would still be sleeping but when I called him on the phone, he answered right away. He was awake since 2am! whew! He already finished one wedding cake and starting again on his second one.
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